Open FREE registration will be on Monday, August 5th, 2013 between 9 AM and 12:00 PM. No classes or categories, ALL bikes are welcomed and encouraged to enter. To pre-register contact Kari at (313) 737-8888 or thehorseads@aol.com.
All registrants will receive a FREE bike event Horse t-shirt AND are eligible to win their share of over $15,000 in prizes. Your bike does not need to win an award to win a prize, prizes are drawn by raffle ticket for all who enter a bike in the show.
- Roadside Marty of Flat Broke Customs,
- Patrick Patterson of LED Sled,
- Englishman- of The Horse Back Street Choppers
- Sugar Bear- of Sugar Bear Choppers
- Matt Olsen- Carl Olsen’s son,
- Rick Petko- of RPD & Co
- Nurse Nut- of The Horse Back Street Choppers
- Brewdude of Brew Racing Frames
- Ron Harris of Chop Docs Choppers
- El Nomad- of The Horse Back Street Choppers
- Twisted Tea Choice Award
- Custom Chrome Choice Award
- Michael Ballard of The Full Throttle Saloon,
- Jesse James Dupree of Jackyl and
- Angie of the World Famous Angieland.
- Full Throttle Saloon with,
- CCI/Jammer Cycle Products
- Biker’s Choice/Tucker Rocky
- TC Bros Choppers
- Stevenson’s Cycle,
- The Factory Metal Works
- Fabricator Kevin and many other great companies.