Broadcast Company Filming Sturgis
Biker Pros has created a business-oriented show. Participants have the ability to stand by their bike, hand out flyers and promote themselves and their business at the Ultimate Builder in Sturgis.
The Ultimate Builder Custom Bike Show presented by J&P Cycles rolls into Sturgis on Wednesday, August 7, 2013 for a 1 day show. We are closing down 4th & Lazalle Avenue. It’s one street over from the Harley-Davidson pavilion.
The pay out is $7,000 for the show. We are awarding HelmetLOk for the first 3 positions in each class and a leather wallet fromRocking K Custom Leathers for the Show Dog Award. But wait there’s more… We are expecting a broadcasting company to interview builders at the show so make sure you get the bike into the show.
Sturgis, SD Bike Show Details
- Registration: 9AM -12PM
- Judging: 1PM – 3PM
- Awards: 4:30PM
- Location: 4th & Lazalle Avenue – 1 Street over from the Harley-Davidson
Sturgis Bike Classes
FreeStyle – $2500 for 1st place
Any motorcycle frame configuration or drivetrain combination. Your imagination and resources are the only restriction. Must run, turn and stop. Cash prize of $2500 for winner, and only $150 to enter.
Radical Bagger – $1500 for 1st place
Any motorcycle frame configuration or drivetrain combination. Your imagination bags and a fairing are the only restriction. Must run, turn and stop. Cash prize of $1500 for winner, and only $100 to enter.
MOD Harley – $1000 for 1st place
Must have Harley manufactured frame and engine cases. Frame must maintain stock configuration so neck may not be cut to rake or stretch. Modified swingarms kits, fat tire conversions and weld on hard tails are acceptable. Cash prize of $1000 for win, and only $100 to enter.
Retro MOD – $1000 for 1st place
Any modified bike, with any drive train on any chassis configuration that is 25 years or older. Great class for older Harley’s where the frame was cut to rake or stretch as well as a class for Café Racers from the Ton-Up era. Cash prize of $1000 for winner, and only $75 to enter.
Street MOD – $1000 for 1st place
This is a non-Harley Davidson street class for cruisers and mildly modified sport bikes. Must have Major OEM ie; Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki, Kawasaki, Polaris, Triumph etc manufactured frame and engine cases. Harley is not allowed in this class. Frame must maintain stock configuration so neck may not be cut to rake or stretch. Modified swingarms kits, fat tire conversions and weld on hardtails are acceptable. Cash prize of $1000 for winner, and only $75 to enter.