Bare Knuckle Choppers Takes the FreeStyle Win
When the dust settled the last builder standing was Paul Widman of Bare Knuckle Choppers. He walked to the stage and took the FreeStyle win, a check for $5,000 and the title of the 2014 Grand National Champion.
For more details and pictures make the jump to the Custom Bike Shows.
For the championship, cash prizes were doubled to $14,000 and prizes to $7,000. Jon Shipley won the MOD Harley class and took home a check for $3,000 and a Harley-Davidson 120R motor.

US Champion Builders
Winners at US Championship
- #1 – FreeStyle – Paul Widman, Bare Knuckle Choppers – Jane Doe, 2014 Custom Knucklehead
- #1 – MOD Harley – Jon Shipley, Hoosier Daddy Chopper – Firehouse Racer, ’13 Boardtracker
- #1 – Mod- Mark Webster, MW Performance – 1977 Yamaha XS650
- #1 – Performance Custom – Ortiz, Fusion Custom Cycles – The Beast, 2007 Suzuki Hayabusa
- #1 – MOD Street – Analog Motorcycles – DB3.5, 96 Bimota DB3 Mantra
Additional Awards
People’s Choice was won by Josh Weinmann. He received a Bell Custom 500 helmet that was pinstriped from Skratch. Working Class Choppers took the Hashtag Hustler award and received a J&P Cycles $150 gift certificate. SHO DOG Awards: Mark Gates takes the Rocking K Custom Leather’s chain wallet and Backbone Built Bikes takes the Garage Leathers’ Solo Bag. All award winners received a swag bag of Metal Rescue and a premium cleaning and polishing kit from Wizards.
Program sponsors include Progressive Insurance and Harley-Davidson. Contributing Sponsors include Wizards, Bell Helmets, Metal Rescue, Rocking K Custom Leathers and Garage Leathers Solo Bags.
For more details and pictures make the jump to the Custom Bike Shows.